Anthony Franco, LISCW
Psychotherapy, Consultation, Evaluation, Performance Enhancement
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Understanding anxiety:
People often wonder, Why am I so anxious? The answer is both simple and complex. Anxiety is an evolutionary phenomenon which was and still is necessary to the survival of the species and the individual. Our early ancestors could very well have asked a similar question which sounded something like, Am I anxious enough? Anxiety is an automatic response to threats; real, imagined, or somewhere in between. When faced with an attack from a saber toothed tiger, our ancient ancestors did not have time to analyze the threat. That time would have led to injury or worse.

Therefore, we now come equipped with an automatic response system often framed as the Fight, Flight or Faint response. Not being anxious enough in evolutionary terms might have meant that we would not be here at all. Unfortunately, this system is prone to false alarms in the form of stress, generalized anxiety and panic attacks.

It is well established that long-term stress can and does lead to physical illness, fatigue, social inhibition, depression and poor judgement. Anxiety is a treatable condition which does not have to limit your potential for success and satisfaction.

Therapy will help you to manage your response to stress and ultimately gain control of your life.